Our Vision
At MYA our Vision is for:
Mindfulness and Yoga teaching and practice to be available to everyone, to help alleviate stress, improve health and general wellbeing.
Yoga and Mindfulness training to be provided by appropriately trained, skilled compassionate teachers.
A community informed by mindfulness and yoga practices.
Our Mission
To provide yoga and mindfulness teaching for clients of partner organisations, who are challenged by their physical or mental health, developmental issues, social or financial difficulties.
To breakdown physical, mental, emotional and social barriers.
To provide teaching by appropriately trained and skilled yoga and mindfulness teachers.
To spread the benefits of yoga and mindfulness to those who need it most.
To promote yoga and mindfulness more generally on the island.
Our Principal Values
INCLUSIVITY: We recognise that we are stronger together and celebrate diversity.
COMPASSION: A compassionate stance to both participants and teachers is central to our work and we encourage participants to develop compassion for self and others.
COMMUNITY: We support each other as one community.
INSPIRATION: We inspire and encourage people to improve their health and wellbeing in a safe and supportive learning environment.
Other Guiding Values
EMPOWERMENT: We recognise the importance of empowering participants, through the teaching, to make wise decisions for their wellbeing.
SAFETY: We recognise the paramount importance of ensuring the safety of those we teach, our teachers and the community.
ETHICAL: We recognise the importance of good ethical practice and follow the ethical guidance provided by the yoga and mindfulness professional bodies.
PARTNERSHIPS: We work in partnership with both clients and partner agencies to ensure appropriate, safe flexible teaching programmes.
SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE: We recognise the importance of providing skilled and knowledgeable teachers, particularly when working with vulnerable individuals and will support appropriate training for our teachers.
CONTRIBUTION: Our work is based on the contributions of our teachers and all our supporters which are given to enhance the wellbeing of their community.